Measure The Previously Immeasurable
Deepen your understanding of how your kinetic, neurological, musculoskeletal + aerobic capacity affects your performance.
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The complimentary assessment will address different areas of performance that you can improve on with our scientifically proven methodology.
The assessment includes:
(Accuracy and Precision)
At the NY Sports Science Lab, our team of sports scientists, exercise scientists and biomechanists combine cutting-edge science and evidence-based methodologies to help athletes reach the very pinnacle of human performance unique to their genotype-phenotype and sport.
EXPLORE THE METHODOLOGYDeepen your understanding of how your kinetic, neurological, musculoskeletal + aerobic capacity affects your performance.
Transform the way you perform by correcting deficiencies + by strengthening dominant muscle patterns specific to your sport.
Accelerate your muscle gain and improve your power, timing and speed more effectively than athletes who use conventional strength training.
Research proves that our recovery methodology results in robust increases in strength, mobility and pain reduction for pre- and post-game recovery as well as in sports-related injury rehabilitation.
Reduce the risk of chronic overuse injuries caused by incorrect movement patterns and phsyiological imbalances.
Gain and sustain a competitive edge with our evidence-based methodology that analyzes each athlete through a scientific lens.
Brain Training
The Interactive Metronome (IM) is a cutting edge performance optimizing technology that improves focus, concentration, coordination and timing. It improves connectivity and communication in the brain, resulting in a better ability to adapt one’s movements to specific tasks, making the coordination between the mind and the muscles easier and more effective. Interactive metronome benefits athletes by improving timing and accuracy of their movements, decision-making and speeding up reaction time.
3D Baseline Concussion Assessment
The 3D Baseline concussion assessment is the gold standard of concussion assessment. It immerses the athlete in a simulated environment that collects and analyzes 3D movement and identifies deficits in neurocognitive testing following an injury. Our experts use the results to determine the extent of the injury and best course of treatment. This technology improves rehabilitation after a concussion, provides a safer return to play, reduces the risk of future concussions and improves performance post-concussion.
3D Motion and Kinematic analysis tracks sport-specific motion and provides a detailed analysis of an athlete’s biomechanics. The results are used to identify movement inefficiencies and muscular imbalances that otherwise go undetected, allowing our experts to develop a customized formula aimed at correcting these deficiencies. 3D motion analysis benefits athletes by improving movement efficiency and preventing injuries, thus ensuring that the athlete performs at the optimal level.
Surface EMG measures small electrical impulses that are transmitted along muscle fibers during contraction to assess the patterns of that muscle’s movement. This allows our board-certified sports clinicians to identify dysfunctional movement patterns that can prolong soreness, cause pain and even injuries and to determine the best prehabilitation, rehabilitation and training formulas. This technology benefits athletes by improving performance, reducing muscle fatigue and speeding up rehabilitation.
The VO2 Max Assessment is the ultimate indicator of cardiovascular fitness. The technology used by the Sports Science Lab measures VO2 max, calculates anaerobic threshold and provides body composition analysis, allowing our sports scientists to customize training plans to improve aerobic endurance and ensure optimal performance while reducing the risk of injury. Benefits to athletes include improved endurance, better competitive edge and more efficient training.
The Isokinetic extremity machine uses 22 standard tests and exercise patterns to precisely assess mobility, stability and muscle strength. The system compares the athlete’s movement patterns to a database of professional athletes to to identify muscle imbalances that inhibit performance and increase the risk of injury. Benefits of the Isokinetic extremity system to athletes include improved performance, injury prevention, improved movement efficiency, faster recovery from exercise and faster rehabilitation.
3D Sports Simulation Technology mimics game play while taking very precise measurements of reaction time, acceleration, speed, distance traveled and heart rate. The measurements allow coaches and trainers to design customized programs that ensure each athlete’s optimal performance. When used after concussions, this technology allows a safer return to play. The system benefits athletes by improving performance, reaction time and hand-eye coordination.
Transform the way you perform on the field by uncovering critical, yet often overlooked, areas of athletic performance. Our sports science experts analyze athletes through a scientific lens to uncover biomechanical or cognitive weaknesses that may be holding you back from unlocking your true potential.
EXPLORE THE TECHNOLOGYMany young athletes suffer unnecessary injuries in the weight room, many of which can be avoided through the education of proper lifting techniques as well as intelligent programming designed to avoid overuse conditions. SSL athletes are educated to make smart decisions in their own training when they leave for college.
Strength and power development is achieved through intelligently programming compound movements only once the athlete has demonstrated control of their own body. Following a strict protocol of progressive resistance training, athletes are only progressed after they demonstrate a mastery of pre-requisite movement patterns. Following this system allows the SSL team to quickly progress athletes to more advanced movements without risking compromised form or the danger of overuse.
An often overlooked factor in Injury prevention is recovery training. SSL athletes are educated that “more” does not always mean “better” when it comes to training. By incorporating recovery modalities such as Cryotherapy, compression massage therapy, and hyperthermic conditioning, athletes are provided with the necessary tools to optimize their recovery both after competitions and between strenuous training sessions.
At SSL we define mobility as flexibility + strength and control. Oftentimes muscles can feel tight when, in reality, they are holding greater tension due to a lack of stability somewhere else entirely. In this instance, stretching alone will not resolve the perceived tightness. Our global assessment allows the SSL team to identify and rectify such areas of immobility and instability. Once the problem areas are identified and a plan formulated, the SSL athlete is taught several methods of self myofascial release, band assisted joint mobility, and 3-dimensional joint stability training.
Cardiorespiratory Endurance Training aims to increase the efficiency of the heart in transporting blood, oxygen, and nutrients throughout the body, making it an essential component to overall health. Contrary to popular belief, cardio training does not need to involve long bouts of steady state training (as commonly seen on treadmills, ellipticals, and stationary bicycles in commercial gyms) but can be accomplished through intelligently programmed metabolic conditioning circuits. At SSL, our athletes enhance cardiorespiratory conditioning by working smarter, not harder.
The functional purpose of the core is to support the spine and rib cage while the extremities are moving through space. Therefore, the purpose of core stability training is to educate and condition the athlete to properly align the joints to ensure the efficient transfer of force throughout the body, all while maintaining optimal length-tension relationships during dynamic movement. The SSL team achieves this desired effect through a combination of technologies usually only available to the most elite professional athletic facilities.
Cryotherapy is the elixir for faster recovery after intense physical training. It exposes the body to a controlled temperature that ranges from minus 166 to minus 274 degrees Fahrenheit for 3 minutes. After the treatment, muscles are flushed with oxygenated blood that speeds up the healing process. Cryotherapy minimizes the pain associated with inflammation and is clinically proven to be more effective than other forms of cold therapy. Main benefits of cryotherapy are faster recovery from exercise, reduced muscle soreness and faster rehabilitation.
The 3D Baseline concussion assessment is the gold standard of concussion assessment. It immerses the athlete in a simulated environment that collects and analyzes 3D movement and identifies deficits in neurocognitive testing following an injury. Our experts use the results to determine the extent of the injury and best course of treatment. This technology improves rehabilitation after a concussion, provides a safer return to play, reduces the risk of future concussions and improves performance post-concussion.
The AlterG Anti-Gravity Treadmill is among the most advanced sports rehabilitation technologies ever created. It uses NASA-patented technology to reduce the users’ bodyweight, thus reducing the risk of stress injuries. This treadmill can be used early in the rehabilitation process to normalize gait mechanics, and safely perform aerobic conditioning without the risk of aggravating the injury. Main benefits to athletes include faster rehabilitation, improved running form, and reduced impact on joints.
The Isokinetic extremity machine uses 22 standard tests and exercise patterns to precisely assess mobility, stability and muscle strength. The system compares the athlete’s movement patterns to a database of professional athletes to to identify muscle imbalances that inhibit performance and increase the risk of injury. Benefits of the Isokinetic extremity system to athletes include improved performance, injury prevention, improved movement efficiency, faster recovery from exercise and faster rehabilitation.
Pneumatic compression sequential pulse technology is one of the most effective recovery tools for athletes. It is based on massage techniques and stimulates blood flow out of muscles, allowing molecules that cause pain and inflammation to be flushed out of tissues. This technology benefits athletes by making them less sore after training, speeding up recovery from exercise, speeding up rehabilitation and preventing injuries.
Super Pulsed Laser technology is among the most advanced technologies in sports rehabilitation. The laser emits brief pulses of light onto damaged cells to accelerate tissue healing and reduce inflammation. It can be used either as a stand-alone treatment or in combination with other recovery modalities. This technology benefits athletes by speeding up rehabilitation, preventing injuries, reducing pain and muscle soreness and speeding up recovery from exercise.
Isoinertial training is a revolutionary weight training technology used to improve strength, flexibility and reduce muscle soreness and risk of injury. It uses a flywheel that allows muscles to work at maximum capacity throughout the range of motion, unlike traditional weight training, which achieves the maximum capacity only at the “sticking point” of each exercise. Isoinertial training relies on eccentric movements, which improve strength and flexibility to a greater extent than concentric movements. By improving an athlete’s strength, flexibility and range of motion, this technology maximizes performance while reducing the risk of injury.
3D Sports Simulation Technology mimics game play while taking very precise measurements of reaction time, acceleration, speed, distance traveled and heart rate. The measurements allow coaches and trainers to design customized programs that ensure each athlete’s optimal performance. When used after concussions, this technology allows a safer return to play. The system benefits athletes by improving performance, reaction time and hand-eye coordination.
The Sensory Station is a cutting-edge technology that uses principles of neuroscience to assess and train an athlete’s sensory system and improve performance. Coordination between the sensory and motor systems is essential for athletic performance. An athlete’s ability to assess his or her environment, estimate distance and perceive objects in the peripheral vision can make the difference between winning and losing.
Designed for progressive work, from simple warm-up exercises to intensive muscular strengthening and reconditioning, the state-of the-art Huber Motion 3D exercise technology is equipped with highly perceptive sensors that precisely isolate muscle groups to strengthen areas of weakness or instability. It is unique in its ability to strengthen and condition 180 deep spinal muscles and their surrounding joints, improving mobility and fluidity of movement.
Huber Motion Technology was designed and developed by leading European physicians, physical therapists, strength conditioning coaches and experts in biomechanics to offer the most state-of-the-art three dimensional rehabilitation/exercise equipment in the world today.
Drawing upon the science behind a body’s natural response to vibration, Power Plate’s patented dual-synch driven vibrating platform triggers up to 50 reflexive muscle contractions per second. As the user’s body works to regain stability, up to 95 percent of the body’s muscle fibers become engaged in any single movement, significantly amplifying the effectiveness of any exercise performed on the plate. Research also shows that whole-body vibration stimulates the body’s natural production of the regenerative growth hormone that maintains tissue repair, muscle growth, brain function, energy and metabolism, all contributing factors to enhanced athletic performance and recovery.
An often neglected integral part of optimal sports performance, balance and footwork training offers the collateral benefit of reducing injury potential, while helping the athlete to evenly distribute his/her center of gravity to remain upright as well as his/her footwork during different game time circumstances, resulting in a more stable body that help an athlete achieve better coordination, increased agility, proper balance, adequate reaction time and proprioception, to become faster, efficient, more powerful, but most importantly, less prone to injury. Our tailored programs include drills, exercises and training that are specifically designed to fulfill your needs, defined to your sport and position.