
The NY Sports Science Lab (SSL) is a world-class facility focused on optimizing performance of all athletes through measuring and quantifying the subtleties and complexities of athletic movement using state-of-the-art sports science technologies. Our mission is rooted in the philosophy that every athlete, regardless of age, body type or experience level, deserves to perform at their personal best. The SSL team of sports scientists, biomechanists and exercise scientists is led by a sports physiotherapist who is also an adjunct professor at Columbia University.

The SSL team uses most advanced technologies to assess all aspects of athletic performance, ranging from movement patterns of a single muscle to sport-specific movements and reaction times. Results from this analysis are then used to identify areas of imbalances or weaknesses and to develop pre- and re-habilitation protocols to maximize athletic performance, ensure faster return to play following an injury and prevent future injuries.  By uncovering critical, yet overlooked, areas of athletic performance, our methods can transform a mid-level athlete to an extraordinary one. More importantly, our approach helps athletes identify muscle imbalances before they develop into more serious overuse injuries and therefore has the potential to extend an athlete’s career and change the trajectory of athletic performance in the next decade and beyond. The technology at the Sports Science Lab is currently being used by leading hospitals, human performance labs, professional organizations such as the MLB, NFL, MLS, NBA, UFC, and the United States Olympic training center.

Until recently, athletes and teams with access to the latest advances in science and technology guarded these methods as secret, as they provided a competitive edge over other athletes. We believe that every athlete should have access to these methods and we therefore work with athletes of all levels and age groups, as well as their coaches, trainers and scouts who wish to identify the best athletes or build a better team. Our mobile program makes athlete care even more convenient by bringing our team of sports science experts to your facility.